Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Garden Club

Last weekend my brother took my grandparents up to the cottage in the woods for the weekend. I love having them here don't get me wrong but it was nice to have a weekend off of full house guest mode. With my grandparents here, we're always doing something and it usually takes much longer than if I would have done it myself. Which is why I decided to get my act together and can veggies all day Saturday as the Gardener fixed the washing machine.

Binny and Mae helped peel the blanched tomatoes for salsa. Besides all of the salsa, I also made dill pickles, dilly wax beans and dill zucchini and summer squash slices. Garden photos:And check out these peaches. My in-laws were out of town for the weekend so we stopped by their house to pick peaches up their mail and feed the fish. This was a branch that was so heavy with fruit that it broke off. They are all ripening in a paper bag on my counter. Hopefully there will be a ripe one to pack in Mae's lunch tomorrow.

Now for all you gardeners out there who wish to participate, either leave a comment on what's growing in your yard, or post a Monday Garden Club update on your blog. Don't forget to drop your link in the comments, I'll add you to this post.


Riot Kitty said...

Yummy! Love the peach pic.

Shady Lady said...

I so need to learn how to can!

sheila said...

YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM love the jars of stuff! one day maybe I'll have enough to do that! A girl can

Great peaches!