Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wardrobe Wednesday

Binny was wearing a short sleeve shirt and got cold, so she put on her puffy, down vest. Very logical, this child.

And like her daddy, when the temperature drops below freezing, she wears a hat on her head all day, even in the house.


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Very cute even if not logical.

Riot Kitty said...


LL Cool Joe said...

Sorry I haven't had time to join in today. I'm in the States with the family but i did buy some new brown shorts from Target today, so does that count? But no I'm not photographing my hairy legs, I don't want to scare away my readers!

Love the hat!

Shady Lady said...

My arms just got cold.

sheila said...

Logic smogic. :o)

Two Demented Dames said...

It's a young person's logic. My 19 year old will still wear a hat in the house if she fills cold and the weirder the hat, the more she loves it.