Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wardrobe Wednesday- Way Cuter Than Cesar Millan

Now that I have your attention and nothing else to add to this photo of my Binny playing with our two unamused yet surprisingly tolerant dogs, I would like to highlight a few new (to me) blogs I have come across lately. First off Courtney from One Loopy Life passed on the Sunshine award to me last week. Thanks Courtney!

I decided not to follow the rules along with the award (feel free to revoke it at any time, Courtney) and only pass this on to one blogger. One very new blogger looking for some readers!

I met Chris from Let's Connect With Nature! a few times over the last couple years as she and her family are good friends with our trusty neighbor firends K&B. I just recently heard that she started a blog about getting kids interested in all things nature. What a cool idea, right? You don't have to be a kid or even have kids to appreciate her love for the outdoors. She even made a list of 8 activities to do in winter! Now if only the weather would cooperate...

Go over and check out Chris's blog and make sure you say hello while you're there!

More Wardrobe Wednesday at Heathen Family Revival!


Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Congrats on the award. Binny is adorable as always.

Riot Kitty said...

Sweet pictures!

Shady Lady said...

Binny's got it going on! Heading over to check out the nature blog. :)

sheila said...

Cute, lol. Can she *tttzzzzssst* like Ceaser? lol.

Ute said...

Binny is sooo cute... and those are some large dogs.