Shall we?
Well, my car broke down AGAIN. Last Thursday Binny and I made a quick egg run and found ourselves stranded at the Egg lady's house. The car was fine when I left home, started right up but when I went to start it to come back home, the gauges went nuts flopping all over the place and making terrifying clicking sounds. I called the Gardener and before he even arrived the egg lady's husband took a look and determined that the battery was not dead but broken and leaking acid all over the engine compartment. The Gardener and the other guy were able to rig it enough for me to drive the 3 miles back to our house, then the Gardener went and bought a new battery. Not as bad as it could have been, but still another 80 bucks.
My dad and younger brother came over for lunch Saturday to celebrate my Dad's b-day. I served Pork chops, green beans from the garden and my family's favorite... Popovers. I was promptly given the stink eye as I tried to season the pork chops with salt, pepper and a sprinkling of fresh sage. My dad likes his food very plain, and will send anything back in a restaurant that comes out with any type of sauce on it. Of course I only sprinkled salt and pepper on his and he loved it. My brother who is normally a vegetarian even ate a pork chop and practically licked the the serving tray after mentioned that it was local pork. What is it with men and a good piece of meat?
The garden is officially done. Over the weekend temperatures dipped well below freezing and killed off the what was left of my pepper plants and flowers. It will really hit me when I have to start buying produce from the grocery store again, especially tomatoes. Nothing beats a fresh homegrown tomato! The garden may be done but I'm still coming up with things to can. My father-in-law gave me a huge bucket full of grapes and a big bag full of apples. I spent all day yesterday cooking, straining, pressing and canning the grapes to make 6 quarts of grape juice and 3 big sheets of dried grape fruit leather. (Fruit leather is similar to a fruit roll-up but leather actually contains only REAL FRUIT and NO high fructose corn syrup) It was a lot of work but the juice and the leather are delicious. Today I will try to tackle all of the apples. Since I already have lots of applesauce, I think I'm going to make jars of apple pie filling or apple butter, I can't decide. Or spiced apple rings... Too many choices!
Finally, my blog friend Sheila from Ma Vie Folle (My Crazy Life) awarded me with the Over The Top blog award.

Answer the survey below…you can only use one word answers!
Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers!
Where is your cell phone? pocket
Your hair? wild
Your mother? Minnesota
Your father? no sage
Your favorite food? cheese
Your dream last night? no
Your favorite drink? grapefruitini
Your dream/goal? healthy kids
What room are you in? kitchen!!!
Your hobby? food
Your Fear? scary stuff
Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
Where were you last night? sofa
Something that you aren’t? tall
Muffins? pumpkin
Wish list item? food processor
Where did you grow up? North Dakota and Wisconsin
Last thing you did? eat
What are you wearing? sweats
Your TV? off
Your pets? clean!
Friends? love
Your life? full
Your mood? happy
Missing someone? always
Vehicle? don't ask
Something you’re not wearing? bra
Your favorite store? Costco
Your favorite color? green
When was the last time you laughed? yesterday
Last time you cried? May
Your best friend? loyal
One place that I go to over and over? supermarket
One person who emails me regularly? Grandma N
Now to pass this award on to 6 other bloggers. Riot Kitty, Secret Mom Thoughts, Kelly, Sidhe, Joe, and Wild Child. Congrats all, because I really do think that all of your blogs are over the top!
Sorry to hear about your car. Ours seems to be dying a slow death one thing at a time. I dread when it finally gives up because we don't even remotely have the money for another car.
Happy Tuesday!
This is just for you Aliceson ( and whoever reads your comments).
Where is your cell phone? purse
Your hair? crazy
Your mother? Grrrr
Your father? hapless
Your favorite food? steak
Your dream last night? sexy
Your favorite drink? latte
Your dream/goal? happiness
What room are you in? middle
Your hobby? photography
Your Fear? fire
Where do you want to be in 6 years? slightly wealthier
Where were you last night? here
Something that you aren’t? athletic
Muffins? blueberry
Wish list item? wide angle lens
Where did you grow up? Ohio
Last thing you did? comment
What are you wearing? sweats
Your TV? flat
Your pets? fleas
Friends? understanding
Your life? unexpected
Your mood? good
Missing someone? soon
Vehicle? shared
Something you’re not wearing? makeup
Your favorite store? Ikea
Your favorite color? green
When was the last time you laughed? everyday
Last time you cried? last week
Your best friend? far
One place that I go to over and over? internet
One person who emails me regularly? TeeTee
Favorite place to eat? Golden Nugget
Great randomness! Sorry about your car, I hope the battery fixes it and there is not more problems with it. Stopping in for the first time from RTT!
Thanks for the award. Glad the car wasn't too much $.
Car problems can wreck your week; that's for sure.
Can't stop canning. ROFLMAO! ((Not sure why I found this so funny but I did! I pickled beets and made salsa last week. This week? A canning frenzy for sure!!
Great Random!
Do you have a pressure cooker for the canning or do you boil? I seriously need a pressure cooker/canner. I've only ever done the boiling kind of canning. Man, I didn't save a thing this year. We ate ALL of it. Our garden isn't that big! Do you look up the recipes or is this something that was passed down to you? I'm in awe of your knowledge!!
I usually like to make and can apple butter and pumpkin butter this time of year. I give it to neighbors and friends for the holidays. Haven't gotten around to that this year though... I feel like I need that canner!
We got your peaches on Friday. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I know we should have waited, but we couldn't help it. We ate them for desert that same night! SOOOOOO yummy!!! :)
Thanks for playing along Kelly! your list is great!
Ok, the canning header under the feet pic is kinda freaky for a moment....
Just got home tonight from driving through the nasty weather that made national headlines! I owe you a post from before, I won't forget!
Well mine is up and thanks for the award!
I haven't forgotten last weeks "Honesty" one either, it's just life is busy at the moment!
Kelly's looks good too!
Congrats on the award!
My garden never took off this year. I'm jealous that you got so much out of yours.
Sorry about your car. I hate when that happens!
I'm so glad I'm still one of your favorite bloggers! So sad I didn't win the peaches, I was looking forward to tripping for a Irish beer. :)
Aliceson, I want to learn how to can. Is it hard to do? I usually end up freezing my string beans because I don't know how to can.
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