My kids are lucky. 5 of their 8 grandparents live within an hour of us, so they are able to see them quite regularly. My husband's parents live the closest on a beautiful rural property complete with a pond, a large selection of
Christmas trees a really fun
tree swing. The girls and I, along with my brother went over there yesterday morning to fish for a few hours before it got too hot.
The girls wore dresses...

We also picked carrots because
Grandpa somebody planted carrots in the garden and some on the corner of a field and some more on the corner of another field and so on all over the property.

At home, Binny topped and washed every single carrot!

I love summer.
Speaking of grandparents, today is Grandma Dee's birthday! I love her. She called me shortly after Oliver died and left a message that went something like this...
Hello Ali? Yeah, it's Grandma. We're fine. I just wanted to call you and tell you how sorry I am to hear about Oliver. I went shopping for a sympathy card today but couldn't find one for a dog so I thought I'd just call instead.
Well Happy B Day Grandma Dee!
and this post sincerly makes me wish that I had planted carrots in my garden...
and went fishing in a bright red dress!
love the blog :)
Happy Birthday to Grandma Dee! I love the kids' dresses.
Oh, that Grandma Dee is a pistol!
Happy to her! I wish those dresses came in my size :)
Oh how sweet on Gram's call about oliver!
Beautiful pics, as always!
So you should nickname your daughter carrot. lol. That's a TON of carrots! Sweet little girls you have!
I love summer, too.
And I love the girls' dresses, I love all the veggies, and I love all your photos, of course.
And I'm pretty sure I even love Grandma Dee. I hope she had a great birthday!
I love the necklaces Binny is wearing, now that's true style, topping carrots whilst blinged out! :D
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