Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wardrobe Wednesday

Like in many homes with school aged children, mornings here can get a little crazy.  Between breakfast and packing lunches and making sure everything they need for the school day is in fact in their backpacks and not stuffed between the couch cushions, time slips away in a hurry. Before we know it, the bus is pulling up. 

Oh, and I forgot to mention the constant fooling around and procrastination.  Not so much Mae, as she actually woke up extra early today, took a shower, picked out all of her own clothes, made her own cold lunch and brushed her teeth without too much prompting.  Binny, on the other hand would rather goof around and doesn't really give a rip what she wears as long as it's not the red outfit, ANYTHING BUT THE RED OUTFIT.


Megan said...

Those tights are adorable - I would definitely steal them and wear them instead of the red outfit!

Liz Mays said...

So funny hoe different kids can be, but that makes life fun!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Love those tights. She looks great.

sheila said...

Oh your girls are adorable. And little miss fashionista over there! LOVE her style!

Unknown said...

I love Binny's total lack of urgency. I see that a lot around here.

Shady Lady said...

Love the argyle with the stripes!!

We've got the same issues around here. Princess will ignore the dog all morning...until it's time to get ready. Then all of a sudden she has a desperate need to play with the dog. Hmph!

LL Cool Joe said...

Wow what flair and confidence! She so pulls off all that pink! :D