This is a spaghetti squash that looks like it could be ready, but I'm not sure. I thought they were more of a fall vegetable but it's already huge. Anybody?

The zucchini are starting to get to that out of control stage that anyone who has ever grown zucchini is familiar with.
Today alone I picked all of these!
then made this

The zucchini are starting to get to that out of control stage that anyone who has ever grown zucchini is familiar with.

throw all of the veggies plus salt and pepper and a couple shakes of olive oil (I also added some fresh basil) into either one of these nifty microwave steam bags or package it all up in a big piece of aluminum foil to go in the oven or right on the grill. The steam bag takes about 3-4 minutes and the foil takes about 10 minutes.

Just a reminder that you don't have to grow your own food to enjoy the flavors of summer. Most communities have farmer's markets with great produce at very affordable prices. The girls and I go to our local Farmer's market every Wednesday and always manage to find something unique or interesting even if it's just a good walk. It's always a joy to watch the barefoot women assemble huge bouquets of fresh flowers. I buy all of my garlic from a guy at the FM that I call "the garlic guy." He's a bit eccentric but grows great garlic. There's also a pair of old guys who sell everything from asparagus to zucchini. They are forever entertaining and always compliment me on my well behaved children. Ha!
Other Gardening Bloggers
Awesome garden! Yeah, I'm beginning to worry a bit about my zucchini and yellow (summer) squash. It's growing like crazy and I'm the only one who eats it. So far I'm fine, but soon...
Great photos as always!
How brave you are letting your Mom read your blog! I hope she likes the penis story too! :D
Joe, I always tell her that if she doesn't like it she doesn't have to read it. Sometimes it's annoying that she reads everything and takes most of it way too seriously but it is what it is. Actually most of my family reads my blog, come to think of it. Then they don't call as much. Lol!
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