After a week of being out of town I was a little worried about what I would come home to, but I was pleasantly surprised. I had my brother come over one day to pick veggies from the garden and water everything and that seemed to help keep everything alive. As soon as I had a chance I went out to the garden and started picking. I picked an entire ice cream bucket full of beans, a big pile of ripe tomatoes and peppers along with a couple of giant zucchinis, squash and more broccoli.

I picked again yesterday and came in the house with all of this...

I have been blanching and freezing as much as I have room for in the freezer and the rest I have been giving away to family and friends. Speaking of family, guess who's here?

I picked up my grandparents at the train station yesterday and first thing when they arrived at my house, they both took a walk through the garden to see what was growing. Binny and Grandma Dee picked and snapped a big pile of green beans for dinner last night.
Today we spent most of the morning on a hunt for plain cake donuts, my grandfather's favorite. We went to 2 grocery stores and a bakery and the only cake donuts we could find were either glazed, sugared or frosted and being a picky Norwegian he only likes the plain. He settled for some glazed crullers but I'm sure we'll be back on the hunt again tomorrow. Keeps life interesting!
Anyhow, back to gardening. While we were traveling through Minnesota last week, we stopped at my Mom's house and she showed off her little unauthorized condo garden, proving that you don't need a big space or permission to grow your own veggies.

My brother-in-law also has a garden but the entire 3 days we were there it was submerged under water from the relentless rain.

Just look at those sad looking kohlrabies.

Now for all you gardeners out there who wish to participate, either leave a comment on what's growing in your yard, or post a Monday Garden Club update on your blog. Don't forget to drop your link in the comments, I'll add you to this post.
Particpating Bloggers
Geez, that is a lot of rain! Next year I'm SO growing squash. Lots of squash! My cucs are done this year but they were seriously the best I've ever tasted!
Yum yum! I want to go have a salad from your garden.
Your garden is amazing. Mine looks good, but hasn't produced very much. It must be because we just don't get enough sun...too many giant trees. Oh well, next house will be better, right?
You certainly have a green thumb. Glad to see it survived your absence.
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