Get your gardening gloves and knee pads ready. It's time for another installment of Monday Garden Club.
Well, we made it home after our fun family weekend at grandma's cottage in the woods. I hope to have a post up later today full of pictures from the weekend, but first things first.

The sunflowers look a foot taller

Now for all you gardeners out there who wish to participate, either leave a comment on what's growing in your yard, or post a Monday Garden Club update on your blog. Don't forget to drop your link in the comments, I'll add you to this post
Participating Bloggers
Sheila at Ma Vie Folle
Everything looks so green. Our garden look so brown!
Your garden looks great.
Yum! Makes me want a salad for lunch :)
I may have to finally break down and take pics of my garden. The zucchini and tomatoes, the peas and beans, the lettuce... it's all so delicious!!
How cool! Now I know what to look for in my broccoli. Provided it keeps growing thanks to those stupid june bugs.
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