Aliceson Mary _____ where the hell have you been? Do you have any idea what day it is today?
Oh shit, I missed Wardrobe Wednesday and I barely have a valid excuse. The girls and I spent 2 hours at the clinic today trying our best to be infected with the swine flu. Yes apparently that's still going around. In fact my husband's co-worker's wife's mom's best friend (still following?) just died of the swine flu.
Well actually MaeMae was at the clinic for a follow up appt. and another always fun blood draw. After that for a reward for not biting me while I held Mae down for the always fun blood draw, I took the girls to McDonald's followed by grocery shopping and a stop at the pet store for the biggest bag of dog food they sell, then home to start packing our bags for the weekend.
The girls and I are leaving tomorrow with my brother, and the gardener and grandma are coming up on Friday for a weekend at grandma's cottage in the woods. Woo-hoo! The girls have been on a pre-vacation high since Monday, planning out what they plan to do and all of the fun things to cram into one hell of a 4th of July weekend. I plan to save my sanity by keeping a bug spray buzz going all weekend.
So, before we venture off for a weekend of family fun in the great north woods, I will leave all of you staying-home-for-the-weekend bloggers with an all American 4th of July tradition performed in sign language by the one and only MaeMae. (I took these photos just 20 minutes ago, before the girls went to bed and was in a super duper hurry, so while this is not my best work, I wasn't about to take the time I should for lighting adjustments that I could be using to pack, although I am blogging instead... Whatever, don't judge me!)

pledge allegiance

to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the republic

for which it standsone nation
under God
with liberty
and justice
for all
Have a safe and happy 4th! And by the way, don't blow your fingers off, safety first!
Ha ha great post!!! Have a wonderful weekend, and yeah you let me down! There's me showing my boxers on Wardrobe Wednesday, and you do nothing! :D I suppose it was hard to top that one!
This was so cute (and funny!) To grandmother's house you go!
Joey, even I can't top the boxers ;)
Very cute. Have a fun weekend.
That girl has a future in sign language demonstration.
OMG! I was going to totally leave another message until I saw the signing... Great stuff! She's the cutest and it was different seeing this. I am a home for long weekend blogger and I'm glad I stopped through.
Have a great Fourth! Awesome signing.
I think that is the most creative and cool post I've ever seen. Seriously. Happy 4th.
p.s. I was out watching fireworks for a full 20 seconds when a damned mosquito found the only tiny hole in my pants and bit me. Little bastard. :)
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