Get your gardening gloves and knee pads ready. It's time for another installment of Monday Garden Club.

I thought I planted sugar snap peas (because that's what I always plant) but apparently I planted snow peas instead. Normally I would be upset by such a surprise, but actually it kind of worked out for me because our neighbors had given us tons of sugar snap peas a few weeks ago.
And what crazy garden is complete without sunflowers? Not mine!
And what crazy garden is complete without sunflowers? Not mine!

Now for all you gardeners out there who wish to participate, either leave a comment on what's growing in your yard, or post a Monday Garden Club update on your blog. Don't forget to drop your link in the comments, I'll add you to this post.
Participating Bloggers
Sheila at Ma Vie Folle (My Crazy Life)
Shady Lady
Secret Mom Thoughts
HOLY CRAP on the broccoli! OMG, that's sooooooo huge! I hope my broccoli ends up like that! (my one remaining plant that is, lol)
Seriously, that is the biggest broccoli I have ever seen! But then again, size matters ;)
I want to come have garden salad at your house!
Wow! Looks great. We're struggling up here in northern Michigan but I did get some snow peas this weekend. I'll have a post later today!
Happy Gardening!
Wow! Your garden totally rocks! The broccoli looks like it's on steroids. So cool!
I still can't believe the success of my very first garden.
I'm impressed! The garden salad looks tasty!
The broccoli looks amazing. The salad looks too yummy. I played along today. Here is my link: http://secretmomthoughts.blogspot.com/2009/07/monday-garden-club.html
gosh i love your garden. And the size of the broccoli!!
Good for you! I want a garden badly.
We've been enjoying the results from our own garden. this is the first year that we've gardened seriously and how rewarding it is!
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