alternative title for this post: My husband insists that I learn to ride a big scary motorcycle, but refuses to learn to use my
I swear there is a photo in this post but first a little story.
I suppose it all started last fall when I caught my husband searching Ebay for used motorcycles. What do you want one of those for? I implored. "Oh it's not for me, it's for you dear!" Oh really? "Yeah, you can ride the motorcycle to the farm and save lots of money on gas." First off, I never once, ever said that I was interested in a motorcycle. I have never driven one and I don't even have the proper license to drive such a machine. But whatever, not important. When he bought the motorcycle, it didn't run, or not well enough that he would allow me to drive it. I thought that would be it, but nooooo, he fixed it this spring and has been on my case to drive the big heavy thing ever since. It's not that I don't like motorcycles or think that they are overly dangerous but I would rather be on the back of one with the gardener driving. He and his family have been driving motorcycles forever so after almost 8 years of marriage I guess that makes me part of the motorcycle driving family.
Back when my family was visiting on Memorial Day weekend, the gardener and I snuck off on the motorcycle to do a little shopping and my first ride with him since he fixed it up. While we were out, he decided that right there and then would be the perfect time to give me my first riding lesson. We rode over to my in-laws house and he set me up at one end of their runway like driveway. I was terrified. I could only reach my feet to the ground on one side and the weight of the whole thing could easily crush me. I will say that he was very patient with me, but that did nothing for my nerves. He ran next to me as I slowly let out the clutch and nervously twisted the throttle. Apparently I didn't give it enough gas and it stalled. He started it again and off I went into my mother in law's flower bed leaving tire marks off the side of the driveway. I crashed! I know that old saying about getting back on your horse, but screw it I don't ride horses or motorcycles. Ever since that day, he has been encouraging me to try it again but I haven't had the guts to do so. I'm not ruling it out altogether but for now I think I'm safer on four wheels.
Now you may be wondering what all of this has to do with Wardrobe Wednesday. Almost there. It's a well known fact that I am the photographer in the house. I take pictures of the kids, the garden, the gardener's toys and everything else within eye shot. The gardener is a bit intimidated by my camera and doesn't even like to get near it. He can fix or build almost anything, but hitting the shutter button on my camera is not one of the top 1000 things he would like to do. Ever. Much like me and his motorcycle. I have been
Here comes the Wardrobe part. So, I bought a dress a few weeks ago on a very rare solo shopping trip to Target and thought for 20 bucks, I would take it. Happy with my purchase, I put it on right after returning home and twirled around for my husband. His response? "That dress makes you look pregnant." For the record, I'm not. I know dresses aren't always as flattering as us ladies would prefer but I thought before I return it and spend a whole lot more on something else, I would run it past everyone who reads this little blog of mine, before I wear it next month.

So, honestly what do you think? I should also mention that I would be wearing this dress to my grandmother's 80th birthday party next month. But Grandma's hip.
Go check out what everyone else is wearing today for Wardrobe Wednesday.
I think you look pretty and not pregnant. Those dresses do look like maternity dresses on some (me) but you are skinny enough to get away without looking pregnant.
Oh and I hope you can join me on Thursday for the first official Then and Now Thursday. This meme is a chance to look back at how life has changed over the years. Click here are the details: http://secretmomthoughts.blogspot.com/2009/07/then-and-now.html
I think it's ADORABLE!! You found that at Target? I LOVE that place! You couldn't possibly look pregnant - you're too darn thin. My vote is keep it and wear it. You look great in it.
You look cute.
I could never wear that kind of dress. My boobs would swallow it whole.
I think you look great in that dress - and not pregnant!
Well I have to say I'm not a fan of women in dresses at all, but it really does suit you. You don't look pregnant at all, as you are so slim. The red suits your colouring.
I think you look great...by the way, has he seen his own "classy" photo of him with chops in a cowboy hat?
Yeah, mines not great with a camera either. If it were shaped like a golf club, I bet those pics would be perfect though! lol.
You look pretty, btw.
My parents live on a chunk of land and they have a used Gator and a golf cart they zip around in. Just a thought...and four wheels! lol
I think it's lovely, Ali! And truthfully, speaking as one who is pregnant, those dresses are really "in" this summer. I've been shocked at how many "non-maternity" clothes I can wear this summer, just because it's the style right now, and I'm six months along! So even if you did look for another one, you'd probably have a hard time finding one reasonable in a different style. And red's always been such a great color on you!
Good mercy no! You don't look pregnant. You are a thin, beautiful woman.
Thanks all! I think I'll go for it, but if I get one relative asking me if I'm pregnant I might go crazy.
Christana, just my luck. When I was pregnant the long tank tops and high waisted dresses weren't in style. You are very lucky to find cute clothes.
that is a cute dress! You look lovely even with the groucho hubby :P
Loved your story, it was very familiar after I was forced to take numerous pics of hubby's mustang yesterday because he wants to sell it. Gee, can't he take his own? Apparently not, because there are relatively few pics of myself anywhere...
It's a cute dress! Maybe that pregnant dig was some sort of hidden wish on his part?
Love this dress on you!
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