The mom of one of Mae's friend's just called to say that her daughter will be coming to Mae's Birthday party next week. (Our first RSVP, very exciting!) She then asked me what kind of gift her daughter should get for Mae.
"What is she into?"
I start to panic and the only two words that enter my brain are
MONTANA. Thinking of ways to gently say
keep that shit out of my house no, we don't really do any of that character stuff. But I didn't, I just said that Mae doesn't have a list and whatever her daughter picks out will be just fine. "Well... does she like Polly Pocket? Barbies? Computer game credits? Does she have a Webkins?" No, no, no and nope. She finally said that her daughter received a jewelry making kit for her birthday and that she really likes it. "Sure, that'll be fine. I'm sure she'll love whatever your daughter picks out." And she will.
It would
not be the end of the world if Mae was given a Barbie or a Hannah Montana doll or whatever else is adorned with the pop star's face, but I think she would grow tired of it all very quickly and still not get the hype. Mae likes to color, and draw, and write, and play Checkers, and watch PBS kids shows. She likes to climb hunting stands,

and go
bear baiting, and
race remote control cars, and
jump in the straw mow. She likes to wear dresses and ride her bicycle, but she hasn't got a clue who the Jonas brothers are and why all the other girls call them "hot." Over the summer Mae has become a very open-minded, independent,
fearless 7 year old. I know peer pressure is out there alive and well (Thank you, Dr. Phil) but damn it all, why do toys imported from China need need to be part of it? Besides growing our hair long and moving to one of those FLDS compounds, how do we get away from it?
Whoa, overreact much?
I guess this sort of thing happens at the beginning of the school year. Mae has mentioned a time or two that "the other kids can have cookies for snack, and all I get is 2 plums." She loves plums but the fact that the other kids have something different perhaps even sprinkle covered is intriguing.
Mae is a beautiful girl. She sounds like a great kid. I feel the same way about all the character toys but we still get a ton. I gently steer people into the crafting section for gifts.
You have done a great job keeping your girls from growing up too fast. Keep it up and you'll all weather the Disney channel storm.
I'd have the same reaction (keep the shit out of my house!)
Interesting I had one daughter that couldn't give a damn about any toys at all and the other one that adores Hannah Montanna, HSM etc. The one that loves all the "shit" is also the one that loves to play outside, goes horse riding, plays the trumpet and piano, gets the lead part in school plays and seems a great all rounder.
My other daughter finds it hard to entertain herself at all.
I believe a child who plays well and has a good imagination will find enjoyment in everything. Crappy toys or a tyre on a rope in the garden.
I wasn't big on video games for much the same reason. We managed to keep them out of our house by pleasing poverty with the kids until Youngst was able to buy her own. Thankfully, she bought a Wii. We'll probably replace it when (if!) she moves out.
They didn't really miss them growing up and learned to entertain themselves in other ways. The best "game" you can buy your kids in a deck of cards and a book with basic card games. Endless cheap entertainment.
SMT, and Kelly, Awe... thanks ladies!
Riot Kitty, Right?!
Joe, Good point. I never thought of it that way.
True Blue, Such a good idea. While my grandparents were here, the girls played lots of card games and loved it. Mae is now learning how to shuffle. Fun stuff!
Granted, I don't have kids, but growing up, I didn't have all the "bling" and licensed fluff. My brother and I used our imagination and it shaped us as adults. He's an architect and I'm a writer. It makes me appreciate the simpler things in life and I can't miss what I didn't have.
She seems very grounded for 7. I think that will benefit her and you as a parent in knowing she will probably be one of those kids that seems to make good choices in life. As for all the other fads? They'll definitely come and go but she sounds like the take it or leave it type so I bet it won't be much of an issue.
Sounds like you've raised a good kid.
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