I see London. I see France. I see Binny's underpants.

Monday after the last carload of family was down the road, the Gardener and I took the kids to play on an old merry-go-round that sits in front of my husband's childhood church. He had all but forgotten about the merry-go-round until last month when we attended a funeral there. Ever since then he has been wanting to take the kids to play where he and siblings would play Sunday mornings after mass. Although I think my kids got the better deal not having to sit through Catholic mass and all.

Although I'm not usually interested in churches, I love coming to this old church for the beauty of it all.

This was the Gardener's family church for years. His grandparents lived just doors away in an old cheese factory. My mother-in-law often talks about sitting under the neighbor's mulberry tree eating berries until the neighbor would eventually shoo her and her 5 or 6 siblings away.

*The photo effect I used on these photos was Fluorescent Chalk in Photoshop Elements.
What a fun time! Love the effects on the photos, too!!
Great fun and great pics! Woohoo!
Love what you did with the pictures!
nicw family fun post, dear. i like this, enjoyed the story..
OMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE how you did those pics! And the church one with the swing? Now that is cool!
I'm surprised someone didn't get all worried about lawsuits and try to get rid of that already. I love old playground equipment. Remember when the slides were huge and made of all metal and you could actually fall off them?
WC, yes and wooden teeter totters.
Gosh, that looks like fun! I'd play on it.
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