Shall we?
First off, not sure why but my hair looks amazing this morning. Like once in a blue moon crawl out of bed and shine kind of hair. I usually have to brush it at least twice before even thinking about leaving the house and even still it has a mind of it's own. Well, not today. Too bad I don't have big plans today... like leaving the house.
Mae's Birthday parties were Saturday. Yeah, we decided on 2 parties instead of one giant chaotic mess and they were both a SUCCESS! We had the "friends" party in the afternoon with a few of Mae's friends from school. The girls played in the bouncy house we borrowed from a friend, they ran around finding clues during the scavenger hunt,

The Family and Friends party started about an hour after all of the girls left which gave me enough time to clean up a cupcake's worth of crumbs off of the kitchen floor,

As visible in the party photos, the weather was beautiful. Saturday was forecast to be rainy and cool but the rain stayed away and it was even warm enough to shed our sweatshirts when the sun came out. Today and yesterday though have been a fall weather reality check. It rained almost all day yesterday and the wind blew and blew. Mae came down once last night scared from the blowing wind. We calmed her down and put her back to bed with an extra stuffed animal and turned on her radio to distract her from the howling wind. She then slept through the night without any more problems.
This morning the girls insisted on getting out their winter gear complete with hats, mittens, and scarves. It was a little chilly waiting for the bus but I think we could have done without the scarf. Eh, whatever. There are frost warning for tonight so I hope to get out to the garden today and harvest the rest of the squash and start on the brussel sprouts.
I think that's about it. Have a great Tuesday everyone!
Wow, looks like everyone had a great deal of fun! Great photos! I love the fact you had an adult beverage in the middle of it all. Was that a bottle, I mean glass of wine?
My daughter is 11 on Friday and she's having a swimming party and sleepover. God help us. ;)
I want a party like that!
how fun! I love those hay jumping pics. And how nice of a BIL! To drive all that time! What a nice uncle!!!!!!!!
Glad the partys were a success. Definitely a great way to go! :)
Amazing pics, Aliceson! I'm really jealous of your photography skillz!
Yay for good hair days and happy b-day to mae!
Awesome brother you have there to drive 10 hours to come and see you. I can't get my single brother to drive 30 miles for a visit! Even then, there has to be some sort of bribery.
Love the hay pics!!!
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