Last week I picked the spindly Asparagus out of our garden. I planted it 2 years ago from seed and this was the first batch big enough to eat. Still wasn't enough for a meal or for these, but I chopped them up (whatever was left after the girls and I nibbled on some raw. Yumm!) and threw them on top of a big salad.

I know home grown asparagus is just one of those things that can't be rushed, but I sure wish they grew a little faster. To prepare asparagus, I always wash them well with cold water and either snap off the woody bottom part (asparagus actually have a naturally breaking point, so if you bend them, they should snap off at just the right spot) or just line them all up and cut the ends off about an inch or two. If I steam them which is most of the time, I either use those plastic microwave steam bags or pour 1 inch of water in the bottom of a large skillet with the cover on and let them cook 3-4 minutes until they are crisp tender and bright green.
I haven't planted any of the vegetables yet. It rained all day Saturday. And Sunday? ...well I didn't do anything productive yesterday. I didn't even make dinner, we had cheese popcorn while watching America's Funniest Videos. And the Gardener mowed the lawn.
Hopefully next weekend I'll get to planting.

I think this sounds like a great idea! Count me in on Mondays! I actually meant to post about my rhubarb crisp this morning but got all irritated about the darn stamps!
Happy gardening! I don't have a garden to blog about, but if my plants stay alive, everyone will hear about it, believe me :)
I love America's Funniest Home Videos...and asparagus.
Geez the only thing that grows in our garden are weeds!
It's a really good idea though. When we first moved into this house I had all these plans to grow vegetables and stuff, but like so many of my plans, it hasn't happened yet.
I could give you a progress report about hedge cutting, but I don't think that would be very interesting somehow!
I don't know if I can keep reading your blog I'm so jealous! I have a teeny garden in the back that I haven't even planted yet because it needs a fence around it so the door and other animals don't eat what I plant...
I love asparagus! I planted a bunch of veggies today - i couldn't finish because my back was so sore!
Love this! Count me in! We're supposed to begin planting on Sunday. Yay!
Okay, so here's my Monday Gardening comment: The red cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, spinach are growing beautifully. The onions are growing a little slower than I was hoping for.
And today I bought my first organic tomato starts, which will be planted tomorrow.
Oh, my strawberries are going absolutely crazy. They'll take over the entire yard if I let them.
Oh good! I'll get something together by the end of the week. I can't wait to hear about all of the great gardening. It looks like Freckle already has a jump on the rest of us. This doesn't have to be only vegetables and veggie gardens. Flower gardening, hedge trimming (I'd love to see your take on that one) even a great looking flowering tree. Take a photo and post it.
Okay, will try this asparagus this year and will plan for steamed asparagus in 2012! :)
Awesome awesome post in soooo many ways...and that last line? Blahhhaaa hhaaaa!
How stupid of me. I read this post. I scrolled to comment and what????? I already commented! What? Huh? Took me awhile but I figured out this was last years post! ha ha ha! Have I been coming here a whole year now?
I thought the link in your side bar might be where you're keeping your new MGC. Guessed wrong...ha ha.
I'm up for May 11, 2010. LOL>
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