that crazy farmer woman I work for was all concerned about the digital TV conversion. Her current TV had a blown tube for roughly 10 years, so the bottom half of her television was pretty much useless. She decided that the TV was shot and that she would go shopping for a new one rather than buying a converter box for the old piece of crap. Now trust me when I say this woman is stuck in time. She doesn't own a cell phone or even a phone without a cord, hell she runs a business, is never in the house and refuses to even get an answering machine. So imagine her shock when she walked into the appliance store to find out that console TVs are no longer in production. Oh the nerve of those TV makers!
She raged for days about that one. "Why in the heck would they stop making those?" "How am I suppose to display (nobody ever goes in her house, so I don't see this being a valid argument) my Christmas cards?" And on and on and on...
So my husband being the
old people enabler sweet, ever-helpful man he is, agreed (after she begged me for weeks to ask him) to put a brand new flat screen TV into the old fake wood box.

It's the Binny show!
Of course she f*cking loves it! He also fixed her refrigerator several months ago because the handle broke off and there was no way to open it without hurting herself. Her fridge is an International Harvester (think tractors) super old roundish looking thing with one of those hinged handles. Of course he fixed that and now she thinks that he has super powers all sorts of spare time to keep her old junk in working order.
That is very sweet of your hubby to craft and fix for her.
He's scoring some good karma there...
Farmers are the kings and queens of making things last.
Altho my dad's not a farmer, he was in the ag business his whole life before he retired and has always had that mind set.
My favorite example: his wife takes the elastic waistbands from his worn out tighty-whities (because dad wears out the fabric part) and sews them to her underwear (because she wears out the waistbands).
It's gotten him into trouble at the gym before when he mistook a pair of her panties for a pair of his undies while packing his bag...
What a sweet guy your husband is! Definitely good karma.
Skyewriter, great underwear story!
oh my word, that's hilarious! what a great hubs. :)
Skyewriter, That is hilarious! My husband makes me patch the knees on his blue jeans, but I draw the line at piecing together underwear. Too funny!
You know, this is really very funny! LOL What a nice guy your husband is. :)
The woman reminds me of my grandma. She was kind of like that. She had her old phone until she died a little over a year ago.
OMG. I'm LOL about displaying the xmas cards! What a sweet young whipper-snapper your husband is to humor an old farmer woman!!!
My boyfriend in college and his roomates used an old console TV as a stand for another newer TV in their apartment.
What a sweet husband you have to fix that insane woman's things!
I love the fact that she was going on about not having anywhere to display her xmas cards.
We still have an 'old' TV much to my husbands disgust (sad I know). It's great for the xmas cards!
WOW! sounds like your hubby is a really nice guy! How nice of him! And you too for that matter. I'm sure that little act of kindness will come back you both 3 fold!
I may be coming down from a vicodin high but I think that TV is freakin' awesome! I mean, seriously, ever since we got a non-console TV I have been struggling with where to put my greeting cards.
Awww you married a great guy!!
My husband is the same way-only without the disernable skills! He lets the most boring, annoying people talk on and on...I say "She is nosy and a pot-stirrer!" He says "She is lonely and has no one to talk to!" I say "There is a reason for that!" Hopefully I can ride along on his good karma!
Nods, yep, that farmer thing. My grandma has a really old phone, older than I think the 60s, maybe from the 50s, although she has the cordless in the living room by her recliner.
My 90 year old grandma, who is living on her farm by herself! What a woman, eh! She doesn't look 90 to me either.
Oh. My. Gosh. No he didn't! No SHE didn't! That's nuts! What was that crazy lady thinking? I bet she's sweet though...crazy old ladies usually are. And they also usually have a ton of cats.
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