Monday, May 25, 2009

Monday Garden Club

Get your gardening gloves and knee pads ready. It's time for another installment of Monday Garden Club.

Finally after a very hellish week, my garden is planted. Hooray!

The gardener built all of the fencing (using old gates and wood from our barn) to trellis the (pole) beans, sugar snap peas and cucumbers. After one more pass through with the rototiller, we (We meaning the Gardener, my brother, the girls and your truly) started marking out rows, sowing seeds and planting the starter plants.

Front garden

carrots, onions (red and white), lettuce (2 kinds), spinach, pole beans (on the taller fence), sugar snap peas (on the shorter fence) pickling cucumbers (on one gate of the smaller fence), slicing cucumbers (on other gate of the smaller fence), green and yellow zucchini, purple kohlrabi, strawberries, red and gold raspberries, blueberry bushes, and rhubarb. I also squeezed in a few flowers. 1 Elephant ear, gladiolas, dahlias, and sunflowers.

The gardener also cut some leftover electrical conduit for row stakes.

Rear garden:
tomatoes, peppers, vine plants, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, sage, Italian parsley, basil, cilantro and sunflowers (from last year's heads).

I saw this variety of tomato (Mortgage Lifter) at the garden center and couldn't resist.

Purple Kohlrabi
Pickling cucumbers behind and to the right of the purple kohlrabi

Rose bush planted yesterday
Empire apple tree
Flowering Crab apple tree

Peach blossoms on our otherwise unhealthy looking peach tree
There you have it! Tune in next week for a seedling update (hopefully) and maybe some flower gardening if time and weather permit.

Now for all you gardeners out there who wish to participate, either post a Monday Garden Club update on your blog (don't forget to drop your link in the comments. I'll add you to the bottom of this post) or leave a comment on what's growing in your yard. I couldn't figure out Mr. Linky again (dumb computer and html code) but I do have this awesome (if I do say so myself) photo of Binny planting kohlrabi that I'm using as a photo link.

Just steal the photo and put it up on your sidebar with a link to my site if you wish, no pressure.

Happy Gardening!

What other bloggers are growing:

Musings of a Wandering Elf is already picking onions! While you're at her blog, also check out her hairy beef cattle. No seriously, she lives on a farm, it's okay.


Unknown said...

Awesome! I'm going to be out in the garden today, so I'll take lots of pics and post later on.

Great looking garden, yummy! Hope those mortgage lifters do the job!

Momma Bear said...

look at your land!! Envious over here...your garden looks great!

Ute said...

Wow, I am really impressed. Love your garden and everything you planted.
In my little yard we currently have red cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, snap peas, beans, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, and spinach growing. Oh, and of course the strawberries.
The weather has been perfect, so everything is growing quite nicely.

Shady Lady said...

I am so loving your garden! I'll post the photo link on my blog in a bit and do my update.

Riot Kitty said...

Nice! Great photos, too!