My other brother, Uncle Skunkle called me the other night, which in itself is a special occasion. I usually only hear from him if he needs something. Things I think he should know like Mom's birthday, Grandma and Grandpa's phone number or at least write down and keep in... oh I don't know, maybe an address book. The other night he called for a recipe, if you call boiling a dozen eggs, a recipe. As I heard the gas stove click in the background, I asked myself, is this a good idea? The image of him exploding eggs in the microwave during a culinary experiment sometime in the early 90s ran through my head. Oh well, he's a grown man and for crying out loud wears a suit to work everyday.
And lastly, Uncle Goo-Goo, hubby's brother. Oh, too much to say about him. He emailed the other day from a part of the country that I know too well, and in the winter that's a bad thing. He sent along a photo of the thermometer in his truck to prove that indeed the Minnesota/ North Dakota border is the coldest place to be this time of year. Duh! Well, he can keep his -40 degree temperatures, and trust that in 6 months Minnesota will again look like this:

Uncles are a different breed of man. All 3 love their nieces to pieces! Gotta love that!
***after this great description, anyone looking for a man? All 3 are single.***
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