Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tiger, Rocco and a Birdie

Yesterday Binny and I were driving to school to pick up Mae and all of a sudden Binny heard the name Rocco on the radio (We were listening to Fresh Air and the guest was an author hawking a book about the showdown between Rocco Mediate and Tiger Woods at the 2008 US Open.) and said...
"Mom, that man just said Rocco."
Oh, he's talking about a person by the name of Rocco.
"Not our dog?"
No, honey.
"Oh... Tiger! now he said Tiger!"
That's the name of another man, another golfer playing against Rocco.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wardrobe Wednesday

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Back To Normal-ish

Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday Garden Club

carrots, onions (red and white), lettuce (2 kinds), spinach, pole beans (on the taller fence), sugar snap peas (on the shorter fence) pickling cucumbers (on one gate of the smaller fence), slicing cucumbers (on other gate of the smaller fence), green and yellow zucchini, purple kohlrabi, strawberries, red and gold raspberries, blueberry bushes, and rhubarb. I also squeezed in a few flowers. 1 Elephant ear, gladiolas, dahlias, and sunflowers.
The gardener also cut some leftover electrical conduit for row stakes.

Now for all you gardeners out there who wish to participate, either post a Monday Garden Club update on your blog (don't forget to drop your link in the comments. I'll add you to the bottom of this post) or leave a comment on what's growing in your yard. I couldn't figure out Mr. Linky again (dumb computer and html code) but I do have this awesome (if I do say so myself) photo of Binny planting kohlrabi that I'm using as a photo link.
Just steal the photo and put it up on your sidebar with a link to my site if you wish, no pressure.
Happy Gardening!
What other bloggers are growing:
Musings of a Wandering Elf is already picking onions! While you're at her blog, also check out her hairy beef cattle. No seriously, she lives on a farm, it's okay.
Friday, May 22, 2009
A Whole Hand- A Letter To Binny On Her 5th Birthday

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Feeling Weird Lately
- I sensed that Mae's condition was a serious infection before it was diagnosed.
- I was craving watermelon, then my friend L and Neighbor Bonnie both brought watermelon over today.
- I was wondering just today when my friend would update her blog after 2 months, then boom, updated.
- I had a feeling that my friend had her baby today before I heard the news.
Do I need an exorcism? Maybe I just need some sleep.
Wardrobe Wednesday
Home At Last
The home nursing company dropped off the infusion pump supplies and antibiotics this afternoon so we could start the first antibiotic treatment at 7:00 tonight. The hospital staff had said that the home care nurse would come to show us how to run the equipment, but by 5 minutes to 7:00, still no nurse. I called the nurse hotline to see where our gal was and finally around 8:00 she showed up. I'm not sure what the deal was with that but when she finally showed up everything went well and Mae received her first home treatment. It's a little scary to be the one responsible for dumping strong antibiotics right into her veins, but I'm sure I will gain confidence as the days go on. The next treatment is at 1 Am and already I'm starting to fade but I hate to go to sleep and chance missing the next one because I'm so tired.
The important thing is that she's home and showing huge improvements. Now the fun begins of trying to get the insurance company to cover as much of this as possible. The doctor visits, the trip to the ER, the first hospital stay, the ambulance to Children's hospital, Children's hospital, the countless diagnostic tests, the doctors (because that's billed separate from the hospital charges) and of course the home nursing that we started tonight. I try to tell myself not to worry about the money, but I can't help it. The bills will start coming soon and I know that although our insurance is pretty good, we will end up with some hefty bills. Nothing we can do about it I guess, she's feeling better and I'm very thankful for that.
For the rest of the week I plan to keep her home from school. She still has the stitches in her right ankle and the PICC line is still so new, I would hate for something to happen to it. She will go to the doctor on Thursday to have the stitches removed and have a follow up with her (fantastic, no-nonsense) pediatrician. And boy do I have a list of things to go over with her!
Tomorrow the Gardener goes back to work, Binny has a field trip that I was supposed to help chapperone (Grandma is going in my place) and back to the farm for me. This whole new schedule along with our old schedule will take some getting used to. After a few days I'm sure we'll get the new routine down but right now I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. A friend is making dinner for us tomorrow night which is awesome, and my brother is coming over on Friday to help plant the garden. Then company rolls into town this weekend... That should be fine too and will maybe give me a little time to catch my breath as I will have my Mom and Grandma to keep the kids entertained and help out with cooking.
Thank you to everyone who has been thinking of us over the last week and the many well wishes we received. My daily blog count has doubled from all of the people checking in on Mae. I plan to continue to update Mae's recovery for anyone who is interested but mostly for my record keeping. This blog has been so wonderful for me lately. I have gone back to check my notes many times and found it so helpful, especially when all the days seem to have smushed together. I wish I would have started blogging years ago, the Internet has a much better memory than I do.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
The Next Time You Hear From Me, We'll Be At Home!
Mae's next antibiotic treatment (the first one using the PICC) will be at 1:00 and after that we will be discharged but figuring in "hospital time" we probably won't be out of here until at least 3:00. The home care nurse will come to the house tonight to deliver the medication, supplies and medication pump. She will walk us through the first dose and show us how to flush the line and care for the whole works. Mae will still be on the every 6 hour dosing schedule. 7 PM, 1AM, 7Am, 1PM and so on for 4 weeks. The home nurse will come once a week to change the dressing and blood draws which will all happen right through the PICC, no more pokes! We have an appointment to see her pediatrician on Thursday and every week after until it is determined that she doesn't need the penicillin antibiotic anymore. The ID doc was thinking that in 2 weeks she may be able to switch to an oral antibiotic (Clindamycin) if everything goes well and the infection clears up.
I talked to The Gardener this morning and he's just as thrilled as we are that we'll be coming home today. He has been a busy man preparing for our arrival home this afternoon. He washed, dried and folded many loads of laundry, vacuumed the whole house, washed and put away all of the dishes and everything else that I normally take care of including caring for Binny on his own the last several days. What a great husband I have!
Still no word on when Mae will be able to go back to school (again the communication here kinda sucks) but I spoke with her teacher yesterday who plans to send some work home to keep Mae busy until she can return to her class. I'm not concerned about Mae being behind academically, she does very well in school and I plan to continue the same type of lessons at home.
That's all for now, I'll hopefully update tonight after we get settled in at home. I'll have to do something to keep myself occupied while waiting to give the 1 Am dose!
Monday, May 18, 2009
It's Been A Long Day Full Of Broken Promises
Last night she fell asleep before her dinner arrived and was NPO (not allowed anything to eat or drink in preparation for her PICC placement) after midnight last night. This morning she was not given breakfast, so we colored and squished play-doh instead. Finally around 10:00 am the nurse came in and said Mae would be allowed clear liquids until noon because her procedure would be at 2:00. She had a popsicle and a few sips of apple juice to calm her hungry tummy. The woman who would be performing the PICC placement came in and explained the whole thing to us. The home care coordinator was here to set up equipment and medication details. We were ready to go. Then around noon, the nurse came in and told us that she canceled the procedure and rescheduled it for 8:00 tomorrow morning. There were still 9 other patients ahead of Mae and she hadn't had any thing to eat in 24 hours. The likelihood of her having the procedure today was slim, and at that point the thought of having to wait on an empty stomach only to be told that they couldn't do it anyway was not worth it. I was so hoping that this would be done today so we could have a little get-to-know-you time with the PICC before we are sent home tomorrow but I guess that's not how it's going to work out. After that

What Grandma Dee Thinks Of Dancing With The Stars
"Have you ever watched that Dancing With the Stars program?"
I have, but not this season.
"Good Lord! You know they don't even dance to the music. They were just doing a waltz, but that was like no waltz I've ever seen. It's more like aerobics than dancing. They were shaking and jumping around like a bunch of monkeys. And those outfits! Well, this gal at least was a little covered up but most of them have their boobs and every other part hanging out. Forget it!"
Grandma, you made my day!
Monday Garden Club
I was able to do some shopping for the starter veggie plants last Tuesday but they sit on my back patio not planted. Saturday night as I was watching the news here at the hospital, I heard that there were frost warnings issued for our area overnight. After I freaked out a little and wished we were home and not here, I called our neighbors and they agreed to run over and put our plants in the garage for us. Thanks K and B!
The Gardener went home yesterday and will be off of work today and tomorrow, so he was hoping to
Also last week Monday, before all of this hospital junk began, I worked up the soil around all of our fruit trees, mostly to remove all of the weeds, then I added fresh mulch to each tree. They look so much better. Most of the apple trees are starting to blossom but the peach trees only just started to get their leaves. The peach trees don't do as well as the Apples in our climate, but there is nothing better than a fresh, juicy peach in the middle of summer.
The tulips are still blooming and most of my perennials are up and growing. Once we get home (hopefully tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed!) I need to give my blueberry bushes an acid treatment and pick some of our huge rhubarb. My mother-in-law said yesterday that she came over and picked some of our rhubarb for a rhubarb pie, but yet she didn't bring any for us. ;) Oh well, in a few days we'll be home enjoying our own rhubarb and picking what's left of my spindly asparagus.

Binny says the tulips smell like Pillsbury crescent rolls. Leave it to Binny to come up with that one.Binny picked some tulips for Mae last Friday to take a little piece of home to the hospital
Now it's your turn bloggers. What's growing in your yard? Since I'm cooped up here, I would love to hear how your gardens are growing. No Mr. Linky today. Again the wifi here is being super helpful (sarcasm), but I shouldn't complain. We actually have it pretty good and I am very thankful to be blogging at all. Later this afternoon I'll post an update on Mae.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
As Promised

locked and loaded for the ride to Children's hospital

The word is that tomorrow Mae will have the Picc line placed so that means no food or drink after midnight tonight as they may need to sedate her. That might not be so fun as Mae didn't eat a single bite of dinner but instead is sleeping. She has been eating pretty well so missing one meal shouldn't be a big deal, but if the procedure isn't first thing in the morning I could have a cranky girl on my hands. After the picc line is placed, I will be shown how to care for it and give her the antibiotics. Thankfully I am not squeamish so dealing with the new Picc line shouldn't be too much of a problem, but I do have a few concerns. After all Mae is an active 6 year old. I don't know how long she'll need to be out of school or if she will go back at all before the end of the year. I'm nervous about how she'll feel about having semi-permanent tubes sticking out of her and how her friends will react to her if and when she does go back to school. This is all so new to us and I know that this is the only option right now, but change is scary. She will most likely be discharged on Tuesday, then she and I will go home to join Binny and The Gardener and hopefully I'll get my house clean and my garden planted this week before family comes to visit next weekend! I can't wait for life to return to normal, to get a good night's sleep, eat some home cooked meals and not have to worry about machine beeps, blood tests, and sick kids.
I am so grateful that this infection was caught before it spread to anywhere else in her body, but a little annoyed that it took 3 doctor visits to get some answers and correct treatment. Over the last several days I have heard some infection horror stories from the docs here which tells me that Mae is in good hands with experienced medical professionals. Children's Hospital is a great place!
Thanks again for all of the thoughts, prayers and help everyone has given us over the last few days!