Wednesday, December 10, 2008

2008 Year in Review

The other day my hubby decided that he would do some "cleaning" and replace the kitchen calendar. He transferred the rest of December onto the new 2009 Fleet Farm calendar (pretty Sweet huh?) and tossed the old 2008 calendar into the garbage, next stop burn barrel. Holy crap, he did what? A whole year gone and no way to retrieve it. I usually transfer Birthdays, anniversaries to the next year and take one last look before we end the year. A years worth of everything; all the hours I worked at the farm, Dr. Appointments, play dates, vacations, were all gone.

There's probably no good reason why 2008 seems like a such a blur, but that's partly why I decided to write a blog. Photos, words, conversations, mine to keep and revisit here. The days seem too short and my kids seem to be growing up so fast.

15 things I can remember about 2008
Mae was hospitalized for a week in April, but well enough to sing in the 4K Spring Fling Sing (say that 3 times fast) in May.

Binny's preschool performance and graduation from 3 year-old preschool.

June vacation to Minnesota, lots of family fun with my new camera.
Binny's tonsils removed, and a fixed belly button.

Bears at the cottage in August.

Summer of house painting.


I started my blog in September.

Binny in 4K and Mae in 5K

Trick or treat with a cupcake and a sunflower.

Huge election day victory. I still have the Obama sticker on the back of my car. What, I'm still celebrating.

Mae learned how to change oil in the truck.

Lots of snow.

And I inadvertently downloaded a half naked woman to my husband's ipod. Oops.

Good times!


skyewriter said...

Nicely done! May I have your permission to borrow that "15 things I remember" for my blog?

Great idea; the pictures were too cute. (And bears scary-close to the camera!).

Take care.

skyewriter said...

PS: The cookies look yummy!

Aliceson said...


The bear photo was taken with a zoom lens all the way out, inches from the door, just in case. Quite a thrill, and the kids watched through the kitchen window.

A Christian Mom said...

Looks like you had a great year!